Sunday, February 22, 2009

And in Conclusion...

My favorite little kid move is what I refer to affectionately as "the deadweight". It is that full body protest where one goes entirely limp, generally in a public place while the adult in your charge struggles to hold you up and get you moving again. Every time I think about my impending flight back to the States, this is the picture of struggle that comes to mind. Rwanda has been sewn into my heart for some time now, and I think that it will always be so. The thought of leaving this place is heartbreaking, but makes these last days even sweeter.

Friday was our last hygiene training in Ruhango, a little community off the beaten path, a couple hours south of the main city. Our hostess there, a woman who lost her entire family in the genocide, gave us a high compliment when we left... She had tears in her eyes. That is something. We drove out with a pile of singing kids (and Tegan) in the truck bed. I am honestly going to miss them, and hope for the day that I can visit again. May my Life bring me back to them soon.

The only thing that makes leaving ok, is the thought of being with y'all. Can't wait to see you. Get ready for some amazing coffee mixed with a little bit of culture shock. And stay tuned for the next adventure. It's coming soon...

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